I am doing the very same right now (replacing the S3 TransferUtililty with my own implementation, since they buried it under the whole Amplify stuff). I am pretty far with my implementation, but I am wondering how to deal with app suspension and relaunches. Since this is not really documented anywhere: can you pls share more details on this, especially what happens if uploads fail in these cases? Would I have to retry everything myself, or does the system handle that?
If an upload breaks, what exactly will happen then? Will you receive an error to -URLSession:task:didCompleteWithError: or will the system just retry the full upload until it works?
How exactly would you re-instantiate the session in the relaunch case? Would you persist the session ID on disk so you can retrieve it then?
You say: "Apps will not have access to cameras.", but the cited text says "many of these cameras are not available for app use." This gives room for at least one camera to be usable. So my question is: Will it be possible to capture a photo or a video using the Vision Pro? I would mainly need this for capturing the real world, without any AR content.
After watching the session, I believe the device has only WIFI-based location access, but can improve this to precise location data if an iPhone is connected. However, I am wondering how this deals with heading, i.e. if it also takes the compass into account. For location-based AR, this is crucial. Deriving compass data from the phone would be tricky, because you would have to take the relative position between the Vision Pro and the phone into account as well. In realtime.
This solved the problem for me as well, thanks! Any potential consequences of this change to a new build system?