Is it possible to determine if the device has Touch/Face ID from the home widget? And was it enabled.
authError.code equals to kLAErrorBiometryNotAvailable when this code runs from the home widget on the real device. Nevertheless, it works correctly in the Simulator.
var authError: NSError?
LAContext().canEvaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, error: &authError)
It is a bug or a feature?
Is there any way to update DOH settings (e.g. NEDNSSettingsManager.dnsSettings.serverURL) after the extension was enabled? Currently, saveToPreferences doesn't reload current settings and they will be reloaded only if you will enable/disable extension in the settings. Maybe it is a bug and will be fixed in the future betas?
Is there any way to detect if the user has enabled DOH or DOT by another app? If there is no built-in feature then maybe make a special network request that will indicate that?