




WeatherKIT REST API conditionCodes
Hello! Does anyone knows which values can we expect in the conditionCode field of the REST API? The documentation says it is a mandatory string. The description is: "(Required) An enumeration value indicating the condition at the time." However, there is no list of possible values. Checking the WeatherKIT documentation (not the REST API) I have found the documentation of WeatherCondition. The values might be similar in the REST API, however I have no idea how they are written. In my app I have used the listed values, but soon an error occurred. Based on the documentation I have expected the value "cloudy" but the REST API contained "Cloudy". This is not a big problem, easy to fix. I wonder what happens with the condition codes with multiple words? E.g. mostlyClear: is it written as "Mostly clear"? OR "MostlyClear"? OR... Does anyone have a link to the list of expected condition codes? Thanks Viktor
Aug ’22