




Reply to Xcode 16 won't connect to or compile to my iPhone since upgrade
Can you upgrade to Xcode 16.1, macOS 15.1, and iOS 18.1 and see if that makes a difference? I work with the engineering teams responsible for the device connection components, and the software continues to evolve, including in these point versions, as well as the current betas (Xcode 16.2, iOS 18.2, and so on), so its possible that moving up to the latest point release (or even to the beta versions) will help. Upgrading to Xcode 16.1, macOS 15.1 and IOS 18.1 has sorted out this problem. Thank you so much. And for info - I could not get CoreDevice logging to switch on on my iPhone. It definitely installed. Maybe Apple needs to look at this? And thanks again to Apple for fixing this behind the scenes.
Nov ’24
Reply to Xcode 16 won't connect to or compile to my iPhone since upgrade
Thank you so much for your reply Do you have any VPNs that are running, or other system security software (Endpoint security or MDM management) that may be required by an employer? If so, make sure that software gets ruled out from interfering. No VPN running or active or activated on either device s the cable in visibly good condition with no obvious wear signs that indicate its closer to end of life than beginning of life? I believe the cable is in good condition, especially as I can compile onto my iPad, my Husband's iPad and my Husband's iPhone (the iPhone 12 referred to by xcrun) using it. I have tried turning off wifi and using only the cable to connect to the other devices. In other words, with my network switched off, I have compiled with Xcode onto to the other devices using this cable. Even repeating this experiment with my own iPad running IOS 18.01 just now. I presume what you're calling attention to is that you have iPhone 13 mini, but no such device is listed at all. A similar device, iPhone 12 mini, is listed, but you can account for its whereabouts and so that's not the right device. Do I have that correct? Yes. the iPhone 12 mini belongs to my husband. This device along with his iPad are currently in China and I am in the UK, which is why I chose to retest now, This issue has been ongoing for months but I've just been using my husband's iphone to test on. I can't do that at the moment as he is away. if so, I'd like to see you file a bug report with the CoreDevice logging profile installed (to both iOS and macOS) so that we can understand why your iPhone isn't visible at all. Once that logging profile is installed, capture a sysdiagnose for macOS and iOS I have been trying to do this and at the moment CoreDevice won't switch on on my iPhone. I thought I would post this update and will try the CoreDeviceProfiles again. I've been trying to attach the sysdiagnose file from my macbook here, but when I use the forum buttons to upload a file, it is greyed out. I asked this on a previous thread, maybe you will find it useful despite the current lack of a sysdiagnose file from my iPhone. [ Any Apple Engineers out there who wrote this error message? DeviceLinkListener.c:_copyMobileDeviceValue| ERROR: Attempt to copy a value from an unpaired device. Cowardly refusing to do so ERROR: .... Cowardly refusing to do so Any thoughts? I click on 'trust this computer' (on the iPhone) and the error is triggered. FB15285137 Thank you, I will try the CoreDevice again later on. Vickie
Nov ’24
Reply to Xcode 16 won't pair with iPhone, Error is: DeviceLinkListener.c:_copyMobileDeviceValue| ERROR: Attempt to copy a value from an unpaired device. Cowardly refusing to do so
I've discovered that it is only that iPhone, I tried installing 18 on iPads and iPhones some that were already in my Dev devices, some that weren't and all work. So will now investigate whether this phone has no profiles on it, and why it has no profiles on it. But I still wish that the engineer who wrote that error would put their hand up and tell us more about what triggers it.
Oct ’24
Reply to make bool Optional core data
If you are using swift, can't you do this in an extension? like this? I haven't tried it. =========================== extension HistoryData {    var callHidden : Bool? {         get { return callHidden ?? false}         set { callHidden = newValue } ===============================
Dec ’22
Reply to make bool Optional core data
If you are using swift, can't you do this in an extension? like this? I haven't tried it. =========================== extension HistoryData {    var callHidden : Bool? {         get { return callHidden ?? false}         set { callHidden = newValue } ===============================
Dec ’22