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I'm currently developing an app that requires detecting Bluetooth connections and disconnections in cars. During testing, I've observed the following behavior: In certain vehicles, only a Bluetooth connection via the car's hands-free system is available. In these cases, the device initiates a call to itself, which is then displayed on the vehicle's infotainment system. In some of the tested vehicles, this self-call is brief and only occurs during the device's connection or disconnection process. However, in other vehicles, the self-call remains visible throughout the entire duration of the device's pairing with the car's Bluetooth system. This blocked call blocks the entire infotainment system and causes the connection/disconnection observers in my app to stop functioning as expected. I'm looking for a solution or preventative measures to address this issue. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Here is a snippet of my code: `func audioSessionSetup() { do { resetAudioSession() let audioOptions: AVAudioSession.CategoryOptions = [.duckOthers, .allowBluetooth, .defaultToSpeaker] try audioSession.setCategory(.playAndRecord, mode: .spokenAudio, options: audioOptions) registerNotifications() try audioSession.setActive(true) print("audioSession is active") } catch let error as NSError { print("Failed to set the audio audioSession category and mode: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } /// Reset the audio session to deactivate it. func resetAudioSession() { do { try audioSession.setActive(false, options: .notifyOthersOnDeactivation) } catch let error as NSError { print("Failed to reset the audio audioSession, error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } @objc func handleRouteChange(_ notification: Notification) { guard let userInfo = notification.userInfo, let reasonValue = userInfo[AVAudioSessionRouteChangeReasonKey] as? UInt, let reason = AVAudioSession.RouteChangeReason(rawValue: reasonValue) else { return } switch reason { case .newDeviceAvailable: /// Handle new device connection print("New device connected.") checkConnectionForSelectedOutput(notification) case .oldDeviceUnavailable: /// Handle device disconnection print("Device disconnected.") handleLocationServices(state: false) default: print("break") handleCategoryChange(notification) break } } private func handleCategoryChange(_ notification: Notification) { if let connectedDeviceName = getConnectedBluetoothDeviceName() { if connectedDeviceName != connectedDevice && connectedDeviceName == BluetoothUtils.getBluetoothInfo().portName { connectedDevice = connectedDeviceName checkConnectionForSelectedOutput(notification) } } else { audioSessionSetup() checkConnectionForSelectedOutput(notification) print("handleRouteChange audio session is active") } }`
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