




Univeral installer for M1/Intel app
Hello everyone, I have an application that I need to build in a way that at the end 2 .pkgs are coming out. One for M1 processors and one for Intel. Now I am thinking about distribution. Is there a way where one can create a universal installer that has the possibility to choose for itself between those versions (.pkgs) based on the host processor? Or any other way of distribution where the user does not take care which version they will download, but where one universal installer is provided that should decide for itself which of the 2 .pkgs will be installed?
Jul ’22
NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate & Keychain certificate
Hello everyone, i would like to support the NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate method on a macOS app. I have a certificate, that is saved in keychain. What i would like to achieve is, when I become the NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate method, to get information from URLAuthenticationChallenge and based on that search for the right certificate in the keychain service. So far, I have the following idea: From URLAuthenticationChallenge, I can get the acceptable certificate issuing authorities: let acceptableCertificateAuthorities = challenge.protectionSpace.distinguishedName At the end, i have a keychain service that should query based on kSecMatchIssuers. How do I become the information from acceptableCertificateAuthorities(which is [Data]?) to CFArray of ASN.1 DER Encoding based on which I can query the certificate in the keychain? Thanks in advance.
Jun ’22
sysctl and Rosetta translation
Hello everywhere, I have an app from which I am trying to find out if a certain other running application is translated with Rosetta. What I am basically trying is     var mib: [Int32] = [CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID, id]     let length = 4 var size = MemoryLayoutkinfo_proc.stride     let result = sysctl(&mib, u_int(length), &info, &size, nil, 0) Where ID is the PID from this other application. I get this ID from the current running application. Unfortunately every time when I try to check if that application is translated I get a false even when it is. For example this here is always false P_TRANSLATED == (P_TRANSLATED & info.kp_proc.p_flag) My application is native, and I want to check if another running process(application) is translated. Any suggestions?
May ’21
Xcode 12 notarization failed Hardened Runtime is not enabled
I am building a macOS app that is using a framework that I have written in the following way: Let's take for example the architecture: (it is a macOS app, that has entitlements enabled, and after code signing, everything works as expected. Into, on build action, I am copying under SharedSupport the framework that I have locally built. This one I am signing as well. The problem appears in 2. The local framework has a reference to the build files of a .net project. I tried to add capabilities under Signing & Capabilities, but Xcode says that this project doesn't support capabilities and the list with capabilities is of course empty. Next, I tried adding a .entitlements file to this framework project and code-signing it with the runtime as options plus providing the entitlements file. I have the same settings under the .app project and there everything works fine. Unfortunately, after all, steps are taken, when I try to notarize the app it says that the project referenced from the framework(step 2) has no hardened runtime enabled. I am receiving the following output from notarization: { 			"severity": "error", 			"code": null, 			"path": "test.pkg/sample.pkg Contents/Payload/Applications/", 			"message": "The executable does not have the hardened runtime enabled.", 			"docUrl": null, 			"architecture": "x86_64" 		},
Dec ’20