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It appears that some attachments get stuck and aren't offloaded like they are on iOS. I have 200-300 attachments, all dated 5/3/2021 (perhaps that's when I last formatted this Mac and downloaded from iCloud), and then it keeps 1-10 attachments from every month after that. I don't want to delete the attachments because I want them to stay in iCloud. Is there a terminal command to offload or set the maximum space Messages may use or something? Signing out and signing back in does nothing. They stay on the hard drive. Messages on my phone with the same synced conversations stay around 21GB.
by twalters.
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Is it possible to create one-to-many relationships between optional objects in SwiftData Xcode Previews? The below code I call from #Preview crashes the canvas on the post.authors?.append(tempAuthors.randomElement()!) when I try to append an array to an optional array. I can append the previewAuthors array to the authors array in the simulator or on device, but it crashes in Preview. My running theory is it has something to do with being in memory since this works on device, but I'm not sure that I missed something super obvious. static func previews(_ count: Int) -> [Post] { let previewAuthors = [Author(name: "..."), Author(name: "...")] var posts: [Post] = [] for i in 0..<count { let post = Post(title: "Title \(i)") post.authors?.append(previewAuthors.randomElement()!) posts.append(post) } return posts }
by twalters.
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One of the later betas corrupted, for lack of a better word, two of my iCloud Drive app folders on macOS only. I don't know which beta because since it only did it to two apps and I don't use them that often I didn't notice until quite recently. The files are all still in iCloud Drive on iOS and The apps on iOS can see the files, changes save, etc. All works as normal.MacOS sees the folders on iCloud but insists that they're empty both in Finder and the apps themselves. Has anyone encountered this and fixed it? It's not the issues mentioned in the release notes, everything else appears as expected. There is no lengthy sync happening in the background. I tried reinstalling the apps and toggling iCloud so it pulled everything back down from the server, but it just pulls the "empty" folder down on this Mac only.
by twalters.
Last updated