




Safari Web Extension Not Working for User
Hey everyone, so I have a Safari Web Extension live in the Mac App Store, and it seems like it's working for most of my users, however I have a user saying that the extension is not appearing in Safari's extension window for him after running the app. After performing basic troubleshooting (making sure he's using Big Sur and Safari 14, restarting his computer, reinstalling the extension), it still seems to not be working for him. I've narrowed the issue down to this piece of code: SFSafariExtensionManager.getStateOfSafariExtension Normally in the ViewController, it runs this function and says either "\(appName) is currently on." or "\(appName) is currently off." in the main window. However, for my user, his window just says "\(appName)", which tells me that "getStateOfSafariExtension" is throwing an error. What would my next troubleshooting steps be to figure out what's going on for this user? Trying to get the extension successfully installed for him. Thanks so much! Sorry for the long post.
Dec ’20
Your app uses public APIs in an unapproved manner
Hi there! I published an auto clicker app on the Mac App Store about 7 months ago with no issue. However, I just submitted a new update and was binary rejected for the following reason: "Your app uses public APIs in an unapproved manner, which does not comply with guideline 2.5.1 of the App Store Review Guidelines. Specifically, the app uses Accessibility to keep the mouse active, which is not the intended use of the Accessibility API." I'm currently using a to click automatically, and this requires Accessibility permissions to work. Is there an approved, official way to programmatically click for users? There are tons of auto clickers on the Mac App Store, so I'm a little confused as to why I'm being rejected now. Thank you so much! Here's the code snippet that actually clicks the mouse: if AXIsProcessTrusted() == true { var ml = NSEvent.mouseLocation ml.y = NSHeight(NSScreen.screens[0].frame) - ml.y var location = CGPoint(x: ml.x, y: ml.y) var downClick = CGEvent(mouseEventSource: nil, mouseType: mouseTypeDown, mouseCursorPosition: location, mouseButton: mouseButton)! var upClick = CGEvent(mouseEventSource: nil, mouseType: mouseTypeUp, mouseCursorPosition: location, mouseButton: mouseButton)! .cghidEventTap) .cghidEventTap) }
Aug ’21