




What handles interactions with Metal rendered images on macOS?
I have started learning Metal and the source text I was reading mentioned that interactions with images rendered to the screen is handled by Core Animation layers (CAMetalLayer) in iOS, but had no mention for any other platform. I am guessing for the other "mobile" platforms the same thing applies as iOS, but what handles this interaction for macOS, or is it also the same?
Feb ’22
NavigationSplitView with Custom Views as Labels
I am working on seeing if I can use the new MultiColumn navigation pattern and so far it seems like it really is only useful if you have very simple text based navigation. I have tried a couple different combinations but doesn't seem to be able to support this as it would mean having conflicting navigation links. If I am missing something to be able to accomplish this that would be helpful. @State var selectedNavigationCategory: NavigationCategory? let navigationCategories: [NavigationCategory] = [ NavigationCategory(id: UUID(), name: "One", sfSymbol: "circle", detailView: ViewOne()), NavigationCategory(id: UUID(), name: "Two", sfSymbol: "circle.fill", detailView: ViewTwo()) ] var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { List(navigationCategories, selection: $selectedNavigationCategory) { category in NavigationLink(value: category, label: { Label(, systemImage: category.sfSymbol) }) } } detail: { //How to control the view that gets presented } Like I mentioned tried a couple things with no success, even returning a view as part of the Navigation Category (which you'll see I left in). Is this really not possible?
Jun ’22