I am working on seeing if I can use the new MultiColumn navigation pattern and so far it seems like it really is only useful if you have very simple text based navigation. I have tried a couple different combinations but doesn't seem to be able to support this as it would mean having conflicting navigation links. If I am missing something to be able to accomplish this that would be helpful.
@State var selectedNavigationCategory: NavigationCategory?
let navigationCategories: [NavigationCategory] = [
NavigationCategory(id: UUID(), name: "One", sfSymbol: "circle", detailView: ViewOne()),
NavigationCategory(id: UUID(), name: "Two", sfSymbol: "circle.fill", detailView: ViewTwo())
var body: some View {
NavigationSplitView {
List(navigationCategories, selection: $selectedNavigationCategory) { category in
NavigationLink(value: category, label: {
Label(category.name, systemImage: category.sfSymbol)
} detail: {
//How to control the view that gets presented
Like I mentioned tried a couple things with no success, even returning a view as part of the Navigation Category (which you'll see I left in). Is this really not possible?