




Reply to iPhone is busy: Making Apple Watch ready for development
Only two things seem to remedy this issue: 1) just be patient and wait a while (15 minutes?), or 2) switch off the Apple Watch and don't use it while you are developing. Speculation on my part but it looks like that Apple is just too big and compartmentalized. Right had not caring what the Left hand is doing. Those at Apple who have an Apple Watch can't reach over the wall to those maintaining X Code.
May ’22
Reply to UIActivityViewController and presentActivityController generating numerous errors
I cannot find any reference to CopresenceCore. Is it a class or library of yours or a third party ? It's not one of mine. According to this document:, it is an internal API: Group Activities: SharePlay; sharing of media content and programmatic state over FaceTime calls; GroupActivities.framework, CopresenceCore.framework; launchd service: Thank you
Apr ’22