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I'd like to conform to the same format that GarageBand and Logic use to create aupreset files. However upon inspection it appears that these apps are creating malformed plist documents. Does anyone have more info? I must be missing something obvious but so far I'm unable to export in a similar way, or import for that matter.
by tmg.
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I'm experiencing an intermittent failure to load my audio unit in Garageband. Though the error message is obvious, I can't find any documentation on the timeout specification. Has anyone else come across this?
by tmg.
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I'm running a simple audio path that takes the microphone input and routes to the main mixer node, bypassing any rendering in my app just to validate baseline performance. I'm noticing that adding an AVAudioMixerNode to conver the microphone input to 44.1kHz for internal processing is causing audible glitches in the signal path. I'd like to maintain an internal sampling rate of 44.1kHz regardless of external conditions and it seems this should be possible with AVAudioMixerNode. Is this not supported?
by tmg.
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When creating a new Framework and expanding the Headers Build Phase Xcode crashes.UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION (NSInternalInconsistencyException): -[NSNib _initWithNibNamed:bundle:options:] could not load the nibName: Xcode3HeadersBuildPhaseViewController in bundle NSBundle </Applications/> (loaded).Does anyone have a workaround for this? I noticed in beta 6 and submitted logs but it's still broken in beta 7. I don't have a good sample of the project file so I don't know the correct syntax for adding files to this phase.
by tmg.
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Do we have additional guidance on setting up our iPad on Mac apps? The current docs only address a few points.For instance, I'd like to modify things like default window dimensions, as well as title bar transparency (my application depends on a transparent status bar).
by tmg.
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