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I am using MKMapView to display a gps track as an MKPolyline. But when in satellite or hybrid view MKMapView hides parts of the track when I zoom in, even when the entire track should be visible. When I change to street view I get the polyline displayed correctly. Is this a bug in MKMapView or is there some way of forcing the line to sit above the map? My guess is it's something to do with the pseudo-3D rendering that projects trees and other objects above the map plane and results in hiding (or rather preventing the rendering of) parts of the polyline. But I haven't found any way to fix this. I am using a Mac OSX Catalina.
by tjd.
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When I try downloading xcode 12 from either the appstore or from the developer code portal I get an error that says I dont have enough storage space. But I have over 200 GB of free memory on hard disk. I am unable to run code on my ipad because xcode 12.0 says its not connected, even though it recognises it and its up-to-date. Having been developing software for over 40 years I am finding Apple products are becoming less and less useful because I spend days just trying to sort out the problems they cause with their poor quality control in updates. So does anyone know how to update xcode or make it run code on my ipad?
by tjd.
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I am using XCode 11.2. I created an NSViewContoller with a loaded nib file and added the view to NSSavePanel. The view displays and the NSTextfields in the view are there but they never connect to the view controller. Tried all sorts of things to force connection but nothing happens. I have used accessory views many times before with NSOpenPanel with no issue, but this is really got me stumped. Is this a bug in XCode 11.2 with Catalina?My code looks something like this: MyViewController *mvc=[[MyViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MyViewController" bundle:nil]; NSView *av=[mvc view]; NSSavePanel *panel=[NSSavePanel savePanel]; [panel setAllowedFileTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"tif", nil]]; [panel setExtensionHidden:NO]; [panel setMessage:@"Save the original file."]; [panel setAccessoryView:av]; if([panel runModal]==NSModalResponseOK){ NSString *someText=[mvc textView]; // this is always nil... ....The view controller has the textView connected using IB - it all looks ok but the textView is always nil at runtime. The method [mvc textView] returns a string from the NSTextView. When I look at it in the debugger the NSTextView is nil - that is, it never gets connected. How do I force it to?
by tjd.
Last updated