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Ths subject says ist all ...I really want to test my app on simulator with iCloud photos, but it simply does not load any photos. iCloud ist active, calendar etc. are syncing, but photos not.Is this a known limitation?XCode 11, iOS 13
by tinbert.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
4 Replies
Hi there,I'm struggling with the layout of tab bar items when using a UITabBarController as master controller of a UISplitViewController.In Xcode, everything looks fine, however when running on iPad (simulator or real device) the tab bar item's title always appear besides the icon. I assume this is called UITabBarItemAppearanceStyleInline.It should, however appear "stacked", i.e. the title below the icon, which shows correctly on iPhone.Some screenshots, here in Xcode: on iPad in simulator: have tried everything I could think of, but to me it looks like a bug in UIKit iOS 13.x.What do you think?
by tinbert.
Last updated