




UIDatePicker as countdown not triggering Value Changed event
HiI have created a UIDatePicker in count down mode and have assigned a method to the Value Changed event which prints the value of .countDownDuration.It the general case, it works correctly and reports the correct value with each change. However, specifically, if I select the 0 hrs 0 min condition at any stage (which automatically rolls up to 0 hrs 1 min) the Value Changed call fails when I next select a value. If I select a new value again, it resumes working.e.g.Set picker to 10 mins - output is 600Set picker to 5 mins - output is 300Set picker to 0 mins, picker rolls up to 1 min automatically - output is 60Set picker to 2 mins - Value Changed method isn't triggered - no outputSet picker to 3 mins - output is 180I know this behaviour has been reported on other developer websites for previous versions of Swift however I have not yet found a way to resolve this issue.Applies to Swift 3 in XCode 8.1.Many thanks for any insight you can provide 🙂Tim
Nov ’16