




Swift Playground: second episode uses unreferenced command
I am using Swift Playground to teach "coding" to my nephew. One of the strict requirements I am trying to explain him is: when you are required to solve a problem, you need to use only the instructions/harward/etc you have available. In the first episode of "Get started with code" -> "Commands" -> "Issuing commands", you are presented with two commands moveForward() and collectGem(). In the second episode "Toggle a Switch" you are introduced to a new command "toggleSwitch()". Up to this point, the learner was introduced to three commands: moveForward(), collectGem(), toggleSwitch(). However, in order to solve the puzzle in the second episode, you need also to use another command: turnLeft(), that has not been referenced. It is clear that looking for unknown commands is part of learning to code, but this occurs too early in the playground. Please consider also that some non-English young learners have no idea on how to write "turn left", so they cannot even type the first letters and hope in the auto-completion of the commands. This has not been well thought by the designers of the playground.
Jan ’24