
Post not yet marked as solved
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I'm trying to run my first app on my AVP. I have created the project from a template and haven't made any modifications at all yet. I was able to pair with the vision pro and I had to wear it for about an hour and a quarter while it uploaded cache symbols. Now it says it's connected fine in the devices window, however, when I try to run my app on the device, it goes into a perpetual loading state with 3 tasks (each has a loading spinner beside it): Attaching to AppName on Apple Vi... Launching AppName... Installing AppName to Apple Vision... How can I debug this and find out whats going wrong?!
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I'm trying to set up xcode cloud, and it's asking me to sign into my github account when I am prompted to create a new remote. I have created a classic github token with the 4 permissions listed (admin:public_key, write:discussion, repo, user). When I click sign in, it always says "Account Creation Failed". How can I debug this error?!
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