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We are creating an app for turn-by-turn navigation in CarPlay. I would like to change the information displayed during navigation between Dashboard and others. I understand from Apple's documentation that this can be achieved by giving strings for both dashboardInstructionVariants and instructionVariants. However, when I actually try it, only the instructionVariants string is displayed. Is this a bug?
by tetshiba.
Last updated
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We are testing in-app purchases in a sandbox environment. In doing so, we encountered a problem with the "Interrupted Purchase" section. In the documentation, it says that "Interrupted Purchase" can be tested with steps 1-12. In fact, we can pass from 1 to 9, but at 10, we could not receive a new transaction of "SKPaymentTransactionState.purchased" in updatedTransactions. Is there something wrong with our app or sandbox environment? Best regards and thanks in advance.
by tetshiba.
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I want to get file size and seconds of Movie file recorded by my app using AVFoundation. I thought it is possible with using AVCaptureFileOutput.recordedFileSize and recordedDuration (by AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate#didFinishRecordingTo) but recordedFileSize and recordedDuration are zero. Is it a bug or my mistake? Is there any solve? MyRecordingViewController: AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate { func fileOutput(_ output: AVCaptureFileOutput, didFinishRecordingTo outputFileURL: URL, from connections: [AVCaptureConnection], error: Error?) {     let seconds = output.maxRecordedDuration.seconds // zero     let fileSize = output.maxRecordedFileSize // zero }
by tetshiba.
Last updated