




Comment on Push to talk: how is the push token supposed to be used if its lifetime is ephemeral?
The PTT functionality is designed to work like it does with the Apple Watch. If two users want to participate via PTT, they will both turn on the PTT functionality by joining the same channel in the app. Then that will give both phone A and phone B push tokens. Then either phone can send messages to the other. If phone A tries to send a message to phone B when it hasn't joined the channel, then your application server can send a push notification telling them that they missed a message.
Jan ’23
Comment on Simulator ARM64 Support for Static Libraries in M1 Machines
When I run otool against the static library that we have created, it doesn't list any load commands. Therefore, I don't see LC_BUILD_VERSION or LC_VERSION_MIN_***. Why would there not be any "Load command" entries? I'm trying to build the Opus library from source so that it works with the simulator on Apple Silicon. When I use lipo I see that the two architectures are contained within the library. Lipo info: Architectures in the fat file: dependencies/lib/libopus.a are: x86_64 arm64
Jan ’24