




XCode Oragnizer some Reports broken since Background Assets Framework
In XCode organizer, under reports section, Crashes info shows fine with call stacks but Disk writes, Energy and Hang reports sections are broken since Background Assets frameworks integration. Error msg: The operation couldn't be completed. ((extension in DVTProducts):DVTAppStoreConnect.AppExtension.(unknown context at $10beb2a18).AppExtensionError error 0.) Xcode failed loading app information. How to fix this error and get the reports under Disk writes, Energy and Hang reports section?
Feb ’24
Background Assets: Max Parallel downloads and Max Parallel Schedules allowed
In our app, We have to download 5000 assets in the Install/Periodic event. Obviously, we can't download them all in parallel. If we return all 5000 entries in the extension downloads function, will the system take care of queueing and downloading some 20 assets parallelly and take care of downloading all of 5000 assets? Or Should we return only 20 urls and after if got finished, from the finished call back we can repeatedly schedule the next 20 every time and can download all of 5000 assets? If we can't reduce the number of assets(like in our case 5000 entries), What is the recommended way of downloading it?
Jul ’23
Understanding BADownloadAllowance, BAMaxInstallSize property
I want to understand BADownloadAllowance , BAMaxInstallSize properties. Suppose my app size is 2 GB, and after install it will download 1 GB of content at start. And every month it might download 500MB of content. The 500MB will be cleared monthly. So total size it might go till 3.5 GB. In this case, I hope we need to define BADownloadAllowance - 1 GB (It should be Max of Install event content and Periodic event content, right? Or just Install event content?) BAMaxInstallSize - 3.5 GB / 3 GB ? Suppose at some month due to some more content, we send 1.5 GB periodic content. what happens now. As BADownloadAllowance is set to 1 GB, won't it download the complete content. will the framework restrict downloading the extra assets? Suppose we missed clearing last months 500 MB content, so next month will the framework restrict downloading another 500 MB content as the total size of app will go beyond BAMaxInstallSize ? Can someone please explain this ?
Jul ’23
Background Assets - Access downloads in Exclusive control
I want to run some code in withExclusiveControl and only when the downloads count is 0 Approach 1 manager.fetchCurrentDownloads { downloads, e in manager.withExclusiveControl { a, e in // Here we are in ExclusiveControl but checking for downloads.count == 0 might not give accurate value } } Approach 2 manager.withExclusiveControl { a, e in manager.fetchCurrentDownloads { downloads, e in // Here we can check for downloads.count == 0, but not actually in ExclusiveControl } } Can you please let me know how to achieve this?
Mar ’23
Trigger Notifications from Background Assets Extension
Is it possible to trigger Local Notifications from Background Assets Extension to update users that Assets are downloaded successfully ? While I was calling UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization UNUserNotificationCenter.current().add getting below error Requesting authorization failed with error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 159 - Sandbox restriction." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 159 - Sandbox restriction.} Adding notification request failed with error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named was invalidated from this process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated from this process.} Can you please suggest any other alternative to update Users after a download has been completed successfully?
Mar ’23