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Hi I would like to obtain the number and device names of camera devices connected to a Mac using Mac Catalyst APIs and allow the use to select between the built in web cam and an external USB web cam. Can anyone say which framework to use here. I've looked at Core Video and Core Media but they don't seem to give that information. Thanks
by tech74.
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Post not yet marked as solved
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Hi, We are developing a VoIP application on iOS using BSD sockets. We need to populate the SIP Via and Contact headers with the IP address that the SIP packet will be sent on to a particular destination. getifaddrs will present a list of interfaces and IP addresses but doesn't tell us which interface will be used. Anyone know which APIs we should be using to get this information Thanks
by tech74.
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Hi, We are using the DNSServiceQueryRecord API to get SRV, AAAA and A records. We wish to use the System resolver but would like to parse the response data with an existing cross platform library. The problem seems to be the callback only returns a pointer to the RDATA field of the answer record not to the beginning of the header. dnsQueryRecordCallback (DNSServiceRef sdRef, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32t interfaceIndex, DNSServiceErrorType errorCode, const char *fullname, uint16t rrtype, uint16t rrclass, uint16t rdlen, const void *rdata, uint32_t ttl, void *context) Is there any API that we can use to get a pointer to the start of the DNS header
by tech74.
Last updated