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I am trying to play an open ended HLS playlist using AVPlayer. After some time (20-30 minutes), AVPlayerItemFailedToPlayToEndTimeNotification is posted with AVPlayerItemFailedToPlayToEndTimeErrorKey having the value asError Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not be completed"UserInfo=\{NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (-16011), NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completedWhen this gets posted, the playback stops. The documentation is very vague regarding AVPlayerItemFailedToPlayToEndTimeNotification and the error code is generic too.I thought that maybe it is because of poor network connection, but I would have expected AVPlayerItemPlaybackStalled to be called prior toAVPlayerItemFailedToPlayToEndTimeNotification and that's not the case.Some AVPlayerItemErrorLogEvents are posted before:VIDEOPLAYER: PLAYER ITEM NEW ERROR EVENT, errorCode: -12889\description: <AVPlayerItemErrorLogEvent: 0x280bd4160>\domain: CoreMediaErrorDomain\uri :Optional("")\Does anyone have more insight about situation when AVPlayerItemFailedToPlayToEndTimeNotification is posted?Could it be that there are too many error logs events posted and eventually the player posts the AVPlayerItemFailedToPlayToEndTimeNotification?
by tbgardner.
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