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I have been trying to implement the coreML distribution example from wwdc but I keep getting the following errors: 2020-07-23 08:25:01.436746+0200 AppleCloudModelDistribution[9173:2724329] [coreml] Could not create team identifier error=(null) 2020-07-23 08:25:01.436904+0200 AppleCloudModelDistribution[9173:2724329] [coreml] MLModelCollection: unable to extract team identifier for the client. error:(null) 2020-07-23 08:25:01.493894+0200 AppleCloudModelDistribution[9173:2724329] [coreml] MLModelCollection: namespace (xxxx) registration failed. Error Domain=TRIGeneralErrorDomain Code=3 "Unable to determine teamId for calling process." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to determine teamId for calling process.} let _ = MLModelCollection.beginAccessing(identifier: "xxxx") { (result) in    var modelURL: URL?    switch result {    case let .success(collection):     modelURL = collection.entries["xxxx"]?.modelURL    case let .failure(error):     print(error.localizedDescription)     print("Couldn't load model from cloud")    }    let result = loadClassifier(from: modelURL)         switch result {    case .success(_):     print("Model loaded")    case .failure(_):     print("Model didn't load")    }   }  }     func loadClassifier(from modelURL: URL?) -> Result<SuitabilityModel_fp16, Error> {   if let modelURL = modelURL {    return Result { try SuitabilityModel_fp16(contentsOf: modelURL) }   } else {    return Result { try SuitabilityModel_fp16.init(configuration: .init()) }   }  }
by tbegeberg.
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