In iOS 17, if you configure the PhotosPicker's selectionBehavior to .continuous with a maxSelectionCount > 1 then it will update the array on de-selection
Yes that fixed the issue, thank you!
I'd just like to affirm that we are running into a similar issue. Since @Observable is not designed to work with combine (I think?), why not just keep them as ObservableObject with @Published properties?
For anyone receiving this error. Upgrading my XCode to the corresponding beta (15 beta5) fixed the issue
Additionally, I'd love to know if Apple has a list of the new macros included with Swift by default. The Swift documentation appears to be more about how they work and how to write our own.
NSPersistentStoreDescription(url: storeURL)
^ Updating the storeURL above resolves the issue on macOS. I suppose the sandbox on my macOS device was incompatible with my iCloud data for some reason. Need to investigate further, but I think this at least allows for a temporary work around.