




SwiftUI: forcing focus based on state with TabView and watchOS
I'm trying to have a feature where a button enables the digital crown. There are multiple tabs with this button, and I want to be able to scroll between the tabs and keep the mode/crown enabled. So for above, my goal is the user could touch 'Enable Crown' and be able to swipe between tabs, keeping the digital crown mode enabled. I believe that means maintaining focus on an element that has digitalCrownRotation() and focusable(). I got this working somewhat with the code below: if the 2nd tab is not active yet and I enable the crown and swipe to tab #2, the default focus modifier triggers #2 button to get focus and get the crown input. But after that the buttons lose focus. I've tried various tricks and can't get it working. Complete code is at Any tips and ways to achieve my goal? Thank you. import SwiftUI class GlobalState : ObservableObject { @Published var enableCrown = false } struct ChildView: View { @State var crownValue = 0.0 @ObservedObject var globalState = ContentView.globalState @Namespace private var namespace @Environment(\.resetFocus) var resetFocus let label: String init(_ label: String) { self.label = label } var body: some View { ScrollView { Text(label) Button("\(globalState.enableCrown ? "Disable" : "Enable") Crown") { globalState.enableCrown = !globalState.enableCrown } .focusable() .prefersDefaultFocus(globalState.enableCrown, in: namespace) .digitalCrownRotation($crownValue) .onChange(of: crownValue, perform: { value in print("crownValue is \(crownValue)") }) } .focusScope(namespace) .onAppear { print("\(label), enableCrown=\(globalState.enableCrown)") resetFocus(in: namespace) } } } struct ContentView: View { static let globalState = GlobalState() var body: some View { TabView { ChildView("Tab #1") ChildView("Tab #2") } } }
Jun ’21
Will Lock Screen Widgets be Configurable?
Will there be a user interface to configure lock screen widgets like home screen widgets? This seems to be implied as possible based on the stock apps, such as the Clock app lock screen widget saying "Add a clock for a city to check the time at that location." I could not figure out how to bring up the configuration GUI: long press various places has no effect.
Jun ’22