




macOS 11 Big Sur and ScheduleOSUpdate
Has anyone been able to test OS Update on macOS 11 (Intel) ? Status returned by MDM returns the very un-informative message "InstallFailed": <key>UpdateResults</key> <array> <dict> <key>InstallAction</key> <string>Error</string> <key>ProductKey</key> <string>MSU_UPDATE_20A5374i_patch_11.0</string> <key>Status</key> <string>InstallFailed</string> </dict> </array> And installer log on the device shows: 020-09-23 11:39:38+02 macmini SoftwareUpdateNotificationManager[828]: (null):softwareupdated: Service connection invalidated! 2020-09-23 11:39:38+02 macmini softwareupdated[1145]: Removing client SUUpdateServiceClient pid=828, uid=501, installAuth=NO rights=(), transactions=0 (/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SoftwareUpdate.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ 2020-09-23 11:39:38+02 macmini softwareupdated[1145]: Removing client SUUpdateServiceClient pid=828, uid=501, installAuth=NO rights=(), transactions=0 (/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SoftwareUpdate.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ 2020-09-23 11:39:38+02 macmini softwareupdated[1145]: Fetched MajorOSInfo for productKey:001-36801; getIcon:NO; the SUMajorProduct was fetched remotely. 2020-09-23 11:39:39+02 macmini softwareupdated[1145]: Fetched MajorOSInfo for productKey:001-43966; getIcon:NO; the SUMajorProduct was fetched remotely. 2020-09-23 11:39:39+02 macmini softwareupdated[1145]: Fetched MajorOSInfo for productKey:041-91758; getIcon:NO; the SUMajorProduct was fetched remotely. 2020-09-23 11:39:39+02 macmini softwareupdated[1145]: Fetched MajorOSInfo for productKey:061-26589; getIcon:NO; the SUMajorProduct was fetched remotely. 2020-09-23 11:39:40+02 macmini softwareupdated[1145]: Fetched MajorOSInfo for productKey:061-94403; getIcon:NO; the SUMajorProduct was fetched remotely. 2020-09-23 11:39:40+02 macmini softwareupdated[1145]: SoftwareUpdate: request for status for unknown product MSU_UPDATE_20A5374i_patch_11.0 2020-09-23 11:39:40+02 macmini softwareupdated[1145]: SUOSUServiceDaemon: No agents found to execute MDM major OS command! 2020-09-23 11:39:40+02 macmini softwareupdated[1145]: SUOSUServiceDaemon: No active client to get update status 2020-09-23 11:39:43+02 macmini softwareupdated[1145]: SUOSUServiceDaemon: No agents found to execute MDM major OS command! 2020-09-23 11:40:02+02 macmini softwareupdated[1145]: SUOSUServiceDaemon: Connection invalidated! 2020-09-23 11:40:02+02 macmini softwareupdated[1145]: Removing client SUUpdateServiceClient pid=1124, uid=0, installAuth=NO rights=(), transactions=0 (/usr/libexec/mdmclient) after reboot, install log shows: % tail -f /private/var/log/install.log 2020-09-23 11:53:16+02 macmini softwareupdated[533]: MSU updates found: ( &#9;&#9;"<SUOSUProduct: MSU_UPDATE_20A5374i_patch_11.0>" ) 2020-09-23 11:53:16+02 macmini SoftwareUpdateNotificationManager[727]: Controller: Received availableUpdatesChanged notification; new updates: [MSU_UPDATE_20A5374i_patch_11.0]; new major updates: [001-43966, 001-36801, 061-94403, 061-26589, 041-91758] 2020-09-23 11:53:16+02 macmini softwareupdated[533]: SoftwareUpdate: request for status for unknown product MSU_UPDATE_20A5374i_patch_11.0 2020-09-23 11:53:16+02 macmini SoftwareUpdateNotificationManager[727]: SUOSUShimController: Armed: 0, with mode: 0, date: (null), updates queued for later: ( ) 2020-09-23 11:53:16+02 macmini softwareupdated[533]: Descriptor has changed since previous download (11.0 vs (null)) 2020-09-23 11:53:16+02 macmini SoftwareUpdateNotificationManager[727]: SUOSUShimController: MSU update is not yet downloaded & prepared 2020-09-23 11:53:16+02 macmini softwareupdated[533]: SoftwareUpdate: request for status for unknown product MSU_UPDATE_20A5374i_patch_11.0 I tried a few things (with or without SoftwareUpdate profile to enable beta, with or without caching server), but without success. Is there a way to upgrade Beta macOS via MDM ? Or is this limited to Released versions - but then, why would the device report Beta updates via MDM ?
Sep ’20
IgnoreManifestScope and TargetApplicationBundleIdentifier new attributes for webclip profile
Hi - Webclip profile documentation has been updated with 2 new attributes : IgnoreManifestScope and TargetApplicationBundleIdentifier. But the documentation is incomplete (usage, supported platforms). Could you clarify the usage of these attributes ? Thanks !
Sep ’20