I'm getting the same error. It's not happening with all users, but it's happening with a lot of users.
Fatal Exception: FlutterError
PlatformException(561015905, Session activation failed, null, null)
Fatal Exception: FlutterError
0 ??? 0x0 StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope + 651 (message_codecs.dart:651)
1 ??? 0x0 MethodChannel._invokeMethod + 334 (platform_channel.dart:334)
2 ??? 0x0 AVAudioSession.setActive + 150 (darwin.dart:150)
3 ??? 0x0 AudioSession.setActive + 237 (core.dart:237)
4 ??? 0x0 AudioPlayer.play + 934 (just_audio.dart:934)