@eskimo writes: Other than the log message, is this causing ... any problems?
For a sheet with an @ObservedObject object with date and isToggle members having the UI with a DatePicker and Toggle, changing the date to today's date--whatever today happens to be when running--then toggling cause the sheet to go away--poof--back to the previous view WHEN IN DEBUG MODE. This does not happen in release.
January 18, 2022
With the Swift API (not REST) I'm still finding it to be hit or miss. Here's a look ...
// Historical daily request
let forecast: Forecast<WeatherKit.DayWeather> = try await
weatherService.weather(for: location, including: .daily(startDate: november24-2021, endDate: november25-2021))
Same error. Consequently, iPhone 8 (5.5 inch) screen captures from the simulator for the App Store are on hold.