




Reply to Rsync and operation not permitted
Looks like I can't edit posts or add a direct response to my previous one. Just to provide more details of what happened before I applied the "Full Disk Access" fix: I was running rsync as root via a bash script. The terminal returned this: IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion {list of directories being read} When I checked the rsync logs I saw this: rsync: opendir "/Volumes/backup/{some file}" failed: Operation Not Permitted (1) Since root should be able to read/write to anything I wasn't sure what to do so I searched for, and found this thread.
Oct ’22
Reply to Rsync and operation not permitted
I was having this same problem on macOS 11.7 Big Sur and the tip to "add the app that is calling rsync" to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Full Disk Access seemed like a tip worth trying. I use iTerm2 for my terminal so I added that to the list and my rsync immediately started working without the "Operation not permitted" error. Somewhat confusingly, iTerm2 shows as "iTerm" in the System Preferences list, but it works. I've attached a screenshot of the setting.
Oct ’22