@eskimo please advice on how I can do this (checking the property in the built binary).
@eskimo any update on this? Sorry, should have '@' you in the first comment.
Unfortunately, we mean to have ~2000 participants so we won't be able to do this with the developer account.
Could you perhaps clarify one thing for me: do we need the device to be supervised if we use the dns proxy capability of network extension instead of the content filter capability?
You have been immensely resourceful btw. :) Thanks!
Oh I see. Thank you for the clarification!! I think what we want is a simple dns filter of sorts but used the content filter capability thinking it was the same thing.
Thanks a lot! That's exactly what I needed.
I noticed that there is currently a 50 web domain limit set to this method. (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/managedsettings/webcontentsettings/blockedbyfilter-swift.property)
Is there a way to go past this? Or do you know if this limit will be lifted in the future? Thanks again!