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I'm working on a project that will also support a "My Devices" web portal. For making this work, we need the name that a user did assign to the device. In the documentation there is a link to apply for the entitlement but the link is going nowhere for me. How to request the entitlement from here? Apple Documentation: Link to request the entitlement: WWDC 2022 session where this entitlement is described:
by stijne.
Last updated
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When migrating from Xcode 12.5 to Xcode 13 we bumped into a problem where the rendering of a composed NSMutableAttributedString from different NSMutableAttributedString's was not happening correctly anymore. It looks like there's a mismatch in the range of the strikethroughStyle attribute. In the comparison below you can see that the decimal strikethrough is now on the currency and the other way around. We have a formatPrice() function who will append the price NSMutableAttributedString with the currency NSMutableAttributedString. private func formatPrice() { guard let style = style else { return } let splitter = AmountSplitter(locale: Locale(identifier: style.siteId.localeIdentifier)) let digitsText = splitter.getDigitsText(Double(price)) let formattedAmount = AmountFormatter.getFormattedAmount( digitsText: digitsText, textColor: style.textColor, integerFont: style.integerFont, decimalFont: style.decimalFont, strikethrough: style.strikethrough ) let currency = AmountFormatter.getFormattedCurrency( currency: " \(style.siteId.currencySymbol)", font: style.integerFont, color: style.textColor, strikethrough: style.strikethrough ) let mutableFormattedAmount = [formattedAmount, currency, makePostfix()] .compactMap { $0 } .reduce(into: NSMutableAttributedString()) { result, attributedString in result.append(attributedString) } let paragraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle() paragraphStyle.alignment = style.alignment mutableFormattedAmount.addAttribute( .paragraphStyle, value: paragraphStyle, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: formattedAmount.length) ) attributedText = mutableFormattedAmount adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true } And we are having the getFormattedAmount and getFormattedCurrency functions on AmountFormatter that returns the formatted amount and currency based on the given style parameters. public static func getFormattedAmount(digitsText: DigitsText, textColor: UIColor, integerFont: UIFont, decimalFont: UIFont, strikethrough: Bool = false) -> NSAttributedString { let paragraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle() paragraphStyle.lineBreakMode = .byCharWrapping let amountAttributed = NSMutableAttributedString() let fontOffset = integerFont.capHeight - decimalFont.capHeight let integerAttributed = NSAttributedString(string: digitsText.integers, attributes: [.font : integerFont, .foregroundColor: textColor]) let decimalAttributed = NSAttributedString(string: digitsText.decimals, attributes: [.font : decimalFont, .baselineOffset: fontOffset, .foregroundColor: textColor]) amountAttributed.append(integerAttributed) amountAttributed.append(decimalAttributed) amountAttributed.addAttributes([.strikethroughStyle: strikethrough ? 1 : 0, .paragraphStyle: paragraphStyle], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: amountAttributed.length)) return amountAttributed } public static func getFormattedCurrency(currency: String, font: UIFont, color: UIColor, strikethrough: Bool) -> NSAttributedString { return NSAttributedString(string: currency, attributes: [.font : font, .foregroundColor: color, .strikethroughStyle: strikethrough ? 1 : 0]) } This is a specific case with two NSMutableAttributedString's with the same font attributes and another NSMutableAttributedString with another font and baselineOffset attributes in between them composed into one NSMutableAttributedString. When I change the strikethroughColor of the currency to, the strikethroughStyle attribute gets rendered correctly. Anyone experienced the same already?
by stijne.
Last updated