




Reply to Safari/Webkit Team and Developer Communication
I’m a web engineer who has had a similar experience with Safari. There was a time I was enthusiastic about Safari and WebKit, but after reading WHATWG discussions where Apple engineers do not seem able to compromise and in at least one instance, outright refused to implement specification, I have become less than optimistic about Safari’s future. Over the last few years I have been increasingly enthusiastic about Web Components, but find it frustrating that WebKit has opted not to implement parts of the Web Components set of specifications: namely customized built-in elements which are now available in every other mainstream evergreen browser. Form-associated custom elements do not seem to be prioritized. I find this specification to be fairly useful but can’t use it in Safari without a polyfill. Using polyfills with Web Components diminish their use value over framework-based components and Apple’s reluctance to implement the full specification only hurts the overall developer community. Declarative Shadow DOM has shipped in Chrome, promises to make custom elements server-side renderable with hydration, but there’s no signal from WebKit if it will ever be implemented. As a web engineer I care deeply about performance, but can’t deliver a performant solution with custom elements in Safari if the browser has to load polyfills. In my opinion, Apple has done an excellent job protecting customer privacy and implementing stellar UX, but WebKit has gotten so far behind in terms of implementing specification it makes it extremely difficult for web engineers to support Safari, sometimes leading to websites not loading. Over the past year, I found at least two websites, one from a bank and another developed by the city I had to use Chrome instead of Safari because Safari wouldn’t render the page. It has become increasingly difficult for web developers to support Safari because of the lack of specification that is assumed to be implemented in Safari like it is in Chrome, Edge, and Firefox. Please prioritize implementing specification as defined by the WHATWG and W3C. WebGL2 support is fantastic, but there are many more practical specifications that web engineers could use to build rich web-based experiences in Safari.
Jun ’21