




Validate fail Archive bundle is invalid Unable to load ‘Info.plist’ for bundle at path
This bundle is invalid. Unable to load ‘Info.plist’ for bundle at path: ‘My’.. This mdimporter is embedded in my app with a Copy step in Build Phases and when I Archive the compiled app, I get that error when I try to Validate. The app works OK, the mdimporter Spotlight works OK, all runs fine. But the Validate on the Archive does not work, it fails with that error.
Nov ’24
macOS App Archive Validation Failed mdimporter Info.plist
…How do I figure out what is wrong to be able to upload the app to the store with its signed mdimporter embedded? mdimporter in macOS project, compiled separately, signed and bundle dropped into Xcode app project. Runs fine but trying to upload to Apple App Store for macOS one runs an Xcode > Product > Archive command and I get this error… Xcode > Organizer > Products > Archives … Validation Failed Asset validation failed This bundle is invalid. Unable to load ‘Info.plist’ for bundle at path: ‘’.. (UUID-shown-here) The Info.plist of the mdimporter is in the separate mdimporter Xcode project, the bundle is compiled as Build for Running and was dropped and copied into the Xcode app project. Runs fine. Any ideas on how to get that to NOT FAIL so I can succeed with my app Archive to upload to the Apple App Store? How to find out what is wrong? How to fix? I'm at a loss here.
Nov ’24