




Rendering YCbCr input using Metal
I would like to take YCbCr CVPixelBuffers from AVCaptureVideoDataOutput, apply some processing in RGB space, render to an MTKView, and pass to AVAssetWriter for recording. Right now, I'm doing this all manually – deswing the incoming data if necessary, choose the right matrix to convert to RGB, apply processing, etc. I also have to convert back to YCbCr before feeding the frames to AVAssetWriter because encoding performs much better if I do. Is there any efficient, built-in way to achieve the same? I can't use AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer, since I need to do some further processing before display. I can't use AVCaptureVideoDataOutput's videoSettings to get automatic BGRA conversion because that would lose bit depth for 10 bit video formats (and isn't available on all formats anyway). I see these Accelerate functions, but they seemingly don't use the GPU, nor do they support all the formats and bit depths I'd need. I found reference to some undocumented MTLPixelFormats that seem to do exactly what I want, but I don't want to rely on something like this unless it's explicitly endorsed. This would also incur an RGB/YCbCr conversion on every texture read and write, right? Is there anything I'm missing here?
Nov ’24