




Reply to Interaction between iPhone and Mac/PC via USB - How?
The delete key removed the Terminal's "New Remote Connection" list in the Build Settings tab. I added the Info.plist file by adding a key value pair I did find a way to add. This was in "URL Types". As soon as I added this an Info.plist file appeared in the project. I then removed the URL type I added. I then edited the newly created Info.plist file to add the key, value, pair: "Bonjour services", "_ssh._tcp" to it. This worked in the iPhone 14 simulator running in the MacStudio. The MacStudio did show up in Terminal's "New Remote Connection" list. But when the program was downloaded into a real iPhone 14 over a lightning cable I still got the 65555 NoAuth error, and the real iPhone 14 did not appear in the Terminal's "New Remote Connection" list. It is as if the key, value, pair: "Bonjour services", "_ssh._tcp" in the Info.plist file did not make it into the real iPhone 14. This screen shot shows the setup:
May ’23
Reply to Interaction between iPhone and Mac/PC via USB - How?
I have an error when I try to do this. My code is based on eskimo's. My version of it is: import Foundation import Network class SSH_Session: ObservableObject{ public private(set) var listener: NWListener? = nil public private(set) var ButtonText: String = "" @Published public private(set) var isListening: Bool = false init(){ setButtonText( false ) } public func start(){ print("listener will start") listener = (try? NWListener(using: .tcp) ) ?? nil if (listener == nil) { print( "Failed listener acquisition." ) setButtonText( false ) }else { listener?.stateUpdateHandler = { newState in print("listener did change state, new: \(newState)", "" ) if( (self.listener?.debugDescription != nil) && (self.listener?.debugDescription != "") ) { print( " " + self.listener!.debugDescription ) }else{ print( "\n" ) } } listener?.service = .init(type: "_ssh._tcp") listener?.newConnectionHandler = { connection in let remotePeer = connection.currentPath?.remoteEndpoint print("listener rejected a receive connection, from: \(remotePeer as Optional)") connection.cancel() } listener?.start(queue: .main) setButtonText( true ) } return } public func stop() { print("listener will stop") self.listener?.stateUpdateHandler = nil self.listener?.cancel() setButtonText( false ) } public func StartStop() { if( self.isListening ) { self.stop() } else { self.start() } } private func setButtonText( _ isListening: Bool ) { self.isListening = isListening ButtonText = isListening ? "Close SSH Connection" : "Open SSH Connection" } } In my version of stateUpdateHandler I included a verbose diagnostic. Xcode is installed in the iPhone 14, and it is in developer mode. I turned off Bluetooth, WiFi, and cell service even though it is not connected to a cell service. Info.plist is not automatically added to a project since Xcode 13. I am using Xcode 14.3. When the project was created I did not know to add one. So I used the properties GUI. In the "Build Settings" tab I added the key value pair shown in this screenshot: The screenshot includes the error I got. I copy and paste its text here: listener will start listener did change state, new: ready [L1 failed, local endpoint: <NULL>, parameters: tcp, local: ::.49728, definite, attribution: developer, server, port: 49728, path satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0[802.11], ipv4, dns, service: <NULL>._ssh._tcp.<NULL> txtLength:0] listener did change state, new: failed(-65555: NoAuth) [L1 failed, local endpoint: <NULL>, parameters: tcp, local: ::.49728, definite, attribution: developer, server, port: 49728, path satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0[802.11], ipv4, dns, service: <NULL>._ssh._tcp.<NULL> txtLength:0] The terminal program in the MacStudio does not show any SSH servers are available iPhone. The iPhone's SSH service appears not to be advertised. I do not know what to do about this error. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
May ’23
Reply to Creating a missing Info.plist file
Never mind. I found out that as of Xcode 13 the Info.plist file is no longer automatically generated, and are now optional. I wanted to edit this file because there was a key value pair I needed to add. I found I can click on the project in the "Project navigator", and add this in the project's "Build Settings" tab by clicking on the + sign to the upper left.
May ’23
Reply to Displaying a Set in a View
Thank you for your reply. In my case what needs to be enumerated are four iPhones connected to a MacStudio by means of Lightning Cable. I am attempting to enumerate these to establish communications with software also written by me in the iPhones. I did the conversion you recommended. But when I attempt to use my equivalent of your "newResultsArray" in a View's ForEach statement I find that something is lost in the conversion. When I attempt to use my equivalent, which in my code is the results member of the SSH_Browser class (code below), I get an error in the View. What was lost? What needs to be done to get the print function to accept it? The code, and the error message in comments: struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var sshBrowser = SSH_Browser() var body: some View { VStack { ForEach( sshBrowser.results, id:\.hashValue ) { result in print("result ", result ) // Red underline under the first character of "print(...". The error: "No exact matches in reference to static method 'buildExpression'" } } .padding() } } class SSH_Browser: ObservableObject { var browser: NWBrowser! @Published var results: [NWBrowser.Result] = [] init() { let bonjourTCP = NWBrowser.Descriptor.bonjour(type: "_ssh._tcp" , domain: nil) let bonjourParms = NWParameters.init() browser = NWBrowser(for: bonjourTCP, using: bonjourParms) // This change event handler code executes when available devices change. browser.browseResultsChangedHandler = { ( results, changes ) in for result in results { print("result ", result ) // No error here. The "result" Set element is accepted. if case .service(let service) = result.endpoint { print("bonjourA ", } } self.results = Array( results ) // Something is lost here, for when used in the View the print() function does not accept the self.results array elements. } browser.start(queue: DispatchQueue.main) } }
May ’23
Reply to Not a valid path to an executable file.
I too got this error when I reorganized, and renamed, project directories. Evidently I did not do that right, if there is a way to do it at all. If there is not, there should be one made. This is the error I got: Executable Path is a Directory Domain: DVTMachOErrorDomain Code: 5 Recovery Suggestion: /Users/spflanze/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Bonjour-Trial-iPhone-fotboannvetiniedscmjlgfnqmmh/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ is not a valid path to an executable file. User Info: { DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2023-05-18 16:11:29 +0000"; } -- System Information macOS Version 13.3.1 (a) (Build 22E772610a) Xcode 14.3 (21812) (Build 14E222b) Timestamp: 2023-05-18T09:11:29-07:00 I do not know how to fix this project. I have come to the conclusion I will have to start again with a newly made project file, and copy my source code from the failed project into the new one.
May ’23