I need to do a similar thing, only my need is to transfer still shot files, and Lidar data, from four iPhone 14s, all connected to one MacStudio. Can the above technique be adapted to do this?
Also in my case, the application, once developed, will never be put on the Apple Store. And there is no need for the MacStudio, nor iPhones, to have clean environments.
usbmuxd is now libusbmuxd according to: https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/libusbmuxd
I am working on communication between any of several iPhone 14s, and a MaxStudio, through the Thunderbolt to Lighting adapter cables.
I installed libusdmuxd on both the iPhone, and MacStudio, using HomeBrew: https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/libusbmuxd
I have identified some problems.
@StateObject does not go with @Published. I have misunderstood how these work.
In a view I need to use Text() instead of print()
"Text( result )" does not work to get to the string members like print() does. I have to do something like: "Text( result.endpoint.interface!.name )" instead.
I have to use "ConditionalContent<TrueContent, FalseContent>" to recover gracefully from a possible nil interface optional value.
I did wonder if I entered that key value pair in the right place. I went to the Info tab, and unlike the "Build Settings" tab, I do not see in the Info tab the + icon to the upper left. It took a moment for me to figure that it is the + icon on existing keys that does it. I used this to add line, and added the "Bonjour services", and "_ssh._tcp" key value pair. But this new line disappears after I leave the tab, and return to it. What is the proper way to add a key value pair in the Info tab?
Thanks for your reply. The default format for when AVCaptureSession() is instantiated without an argument is jpeg. So I expected to jpeg would be one of the options, but it is not the case. I am looking for a way to get captured image data in a lossless format, of which jpeg is not. Of the three image file formats it appears the BGRA is what I am seeking given that it stands a bit pattern that stands for Blue Green Red Alpha. Is there a way to read back how many bits there are for each color?
Thank you for your link. I modified my code to integrate into it the code example given there. But the example is not working for me. I have opened a new thread about the difficulty here: