For those coming here recently. Scroll down to bottom, I have confirmed the Scene Phase SwiftUI version works. Xcode 13.4, Swift 5.
I did a Switch of the newPhase as i had to address the .inactive as well as the .active. Used break on the other 2 cases, let Xcode populate them on the Fix from error it throws.
Xcode 13.4.1 and using the .navigationViewStyle(.stack) hung off the NavigationView {} works without tossing errors. Automatic tosses errors and Columns is iOS 15 only(did not try).
I do not think this is AV centric. I am getting this in Simulator when click on a text box and on screen keyboard shows up.
My guess is some kind of iOS Simulator to macOS hardware bug/information notice. Everything works fine in Simulator.
macOS 13.1
xCode 14.2