Ok, I've figured it out. It turns out that Xcode was copying NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription to the project.pbxproj file as INFOPLIST_KEY_NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription. This behavior was causing issues with the String Catalog feature, as it couldn't collect localizable strings from the Info.plist files.
Once I removed the entry from the project file and placed it back in the Info.plists directly, the String Catalog populated correctly.
My app employs different Info.plists for various configurations, as setting boolean values from xcconfig is not feasible (specifically, I use UIFileSharingEnabled only during development, not in production). This results in Info-dev.plist, Info-staging.plist, etc.
I attempted the solutions you provided, but unfortunately, they don't seem to work for my scenario. Could you provide any advice on localizing Info.plist keys using the new String Catalog feature?