no it says "Background items added ", on right top corner
no I mean apple reject apps which they consist full of WKWebView, and especially WKWebView has payment process, apple do not accept like that process , developer say that
@MobileTen, tnx for ur answer, but are sure u understand the question?
@nocsi, is it possible give clear example
@Claude31, yes you are right
@robnotyou, I know it, but how we will solve it?
@Claude31, I put @ObservedObject var state: AppState, but it is not work
@Claude31, is there any way?
@Claude31, inside of the .context menu .alert not work I have to write outside, but in outside just one .alert work
@Claude31, how I will use self.delete(item: data), and self.datas.removeAll() inside of the here ` .alert(item: $info, content: { info in // 5
Alert(title: Text(info.title),
message: Text(info.message))
@Claude31, it example code I found on internet, I guess I have to write my code according to this example, but I do not know how?
@Claude31, it is not same question, I mean .alert not work for two button, it is just work for one, for example it delete all row, but for singel row it is not work, the problem is due to I have two .aler dialog, I have to use it with switch case I guess, but how?
@Claude31, it is delete list item, but delete randomly, when I meet with this error, when I used alert, it throw this error, I guess problem is start with .alert function
@Claude31, how I will apply to my project, because I am still do not understand, how to apply
@Claude31, I am app like that but it is not work,
` Button(action: {
showingAlert = true
}) {
.alert(isPresented:$showingAlert) {
title: Text("Are you sure you want to delete this?"),
message: Text("There is no undo"),
primaryButton: .destructive(Text("Delete")) {
self.delete(item: data)
secondaryButton: .cancel()