




Push Notification towards APP that don't belongs to my developer account
Hi All, i read the documentation regarding APN and related API, but i didn't understand if, from my server, i can send push notification to every application or only to applications that belongs my developer account. I try to better explain my needs: the enviroment regards voip communications, my sip server is asterisk based and i want to wrote a script to wakeup device just before send a call to it. On mobile device, i use a generic app taken from the apple store. At the moment i am using linphone. When linphone starts, it registrer with APNs and send to the asterisk server pn-* data. In the pn-params it sends the teamid (ABCD1234) and bundleid ( In my script, i have taken the teamid/bundleid retrieved from the linhpone app, i have generated a Key from my developer account and used it to authenticate to APN, but i got always InvalidProviderToken. So my question is: is it possibile to send notification to application that i didn't own? or the InvliadProviderToken has nothing related to this and simply i am doing something wrong with key authentication?