Apple Documentation explicitly states:
"if you want your placeholders to appear in the Face Gallery, you must provide a complication bundle that contains your placeholders."
Can we please get some further detail here?
Any further suggestions here, still have no resolution for the issue.
This has now been fixed
Ok, I do implement the getLocalizableSampleTemplate(for:withHandler:) method. So should I not ship with any complication bundle at all. I assume there's documentation on this somewhere?
Thanks, this alternative worked great. Although guess its still a bug as it shouldn't crash if it previously worked in WatchOS 6?
Thanks for the quick response!
So previously I was unable to get the minimumScaleFactor to work. This is good. However, I still took your exact code and put it in a complication template. The text labels don't have spacing between them as with the stock complication.
It won't let me post an image here or link to one, but either way, take the exact Gauge you had above, and wrap it in a preview and compare with the stock one shown in the preview, the text sizes and positions are significantly different.
@available(watchOSApplicationExtension 7.0, *)
struct GaugeSample_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Also, completely separately, what's the purpose of the Image(systemName: "heart.fill") in your code, this has no effect for me?
I'm still experiencing this issue with the latest Beta 7. Any suggestions or still sit tight?
Thanks for the reply. Yes there is the HKObserverQuery, although I'm not sure how effective this is for background update. I'll investigate implementing that and calling a timeline update every time it returns new data, will report back!
I agree this does look like a bug, would be great if Apple could confirm.
Don't have sample code, but basically you just need to ensure you call the background task completion handler. My app runs a healkit sample when the refresh task is called. When the sample returns, I call the handler and that is.
Does anyone have any news on this? I'm still seeing the problem occur on WatchOS 6.1.