Dear Apple developer team, we use ibeacon to wake up and activate the app for Bluetooth connection in app development, but there are some problems, the problems are as follows:
1, called CLLocationManager startRangingBeaconsInRegion and startMonitoringForRegion, open after iBeacon area detection and ranging. After completely leave iBeacon radio range, locationManager: didExitRegion: callback is not timely. When the screen is on, wait 1 minute for the callback. When the phone is in the state of the screen, it needs to wait for more than 3 minutes, and occasionally wait for more than 10 minutes without callback;
2. Can the success rate of ibeacon approach 100%? How to improve the success rate of ibeacon live wake app?
3. Using ibeacon technology, in what scenarios will the app be pulled alive to wake up during user use?
4. How long can the app process its business after it is woken up?
5. Can ibeacon technology and Bluetooth saving and recovery mechanism be used to greatly improve the probability of activating the app for Bluetooth connection, and can cover various use scenarios of users' lives to awaken the activating app?