In XCode 9.2, I open the Accessibility Inspector and want to change font size to test dynamic type. I click the Settings tab, but there's no font size slider.
Since XCode 9, I've been seeing build errors hang around after they're fixed. It's very annoying because they obscure actual build errors.For example, a cocoapod was not in the right place, so the import statement was flagged. I fixed the dependency, ran the app, it ran fine, but the build error persisted for several more runs until I ran in a different simulator.Cleaning the build folder (even with OPTION key)did not help.Is there some other way to clear build errors?
In XCode 6.4, when I try to run the simulator of iPhone 4S (any of the iOS 8.x versions), I receive this error message:Unable to boot device because it cannot be located on disk.The simulator comes up, but (usually) the app doesn't run (occasionally, it does). XCode hangs.I was able to get it to run by removing all derived data and cleaning out the CoreSimulator/Devices dir and then rebooting my machine. But now it's doing it again.The other devices run fine on the simulator.