The problem started with 15.4.1, which did not exist before 15.4, and fell from 60FPS to below 30FPS when several entities were placed in the scene.
(appears about 1 minute later).
There will be stutters in ARView when adding larger entities, how to improve fluency?
Stutters also exist when you set the ModelEntity.modelDebugOptions property in a complex entity.
These new attempts, but still don't work, may be because there is a conflict between the audio capture and audio playback of ARWorldTrackingConfiguration, which may need to be modified similar to these:
let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
try? audioSession.setCategory(.playAndRecord, mode: .default, options: [.allowBluetooth, .mixWithOthers, .defaultToSpeaker])
try? audioSession.setActive(true, options: .notifyOthersOnDeactivation)
Is there any way to modify it in RealityKit?