I have the following which works perfectly in xcode 11.7 / iOS 13.7 Button(action: {
if (self.viewRouter.currentView != "menu") {
self.viewRouter.currentView = "menu"
}) {
.foregroundColor(self.viewRouter.currentView == "menu" ? .blue : .gray)
With xcode 12 / iOS 14.0.1 the color of the tab bar images is ALWAYS black!?
How can apple ***** this up?!
I have created four (4) items for purchase and they are all in the "Ready to Submit" state; I am running my app on a real device, with a user (apple id) I have created as a tester and I can not display the list of IAP content in the view!?
It comes back as "bad products" due the the following code:
let badProducts = response.invalidProductIdentifiers
to identify when bad productids are used. Does anyone know how I can display my IAP products while my app has not be released/published in the app store?!