I'm trying to use the REST API from my dev box to no avail. I keep getting a 403 error (which is funny because the docs say possible responses are 200, 400 and 401).
I've tried setting up an App ID checking WeatherKit under both Capabilities and App Services, and also setting up a Service ID.
I've also created 2 different keys with WeatherKit access but neither works.
I'm using PHP 7 with Firebase\JWT\JWT.
Maybe this only works when called from the actual domain we set as Service ID?
timestamp: "2023-01-17T19:25:37Z",
status: 403,
error: "Forbidden",
message: "Access Denied",
path: "/api/v1/availability/-34.60/-58.60"
6 months later, you pointed me in the right direction. I was banging my head into the wall trying to code this in PHP, got Forbidden error code all the time and I was wondering if I got my keys wrong. Using your code, everything works as expected, so I can now discard wrong keys as the problem. Thank you!