




Reply to How to add WebKit Entitlement
I'm having the same Issue. Testflight Version also doesn't open the specific link. The Problem only occurs with certain URLs that initiate a re-direct request I guess... WKNavigationType is always other and if I add if navigationAction.navigationType == WKNavigationType.other { webView.load(navigationAction.request) decisionHandler(.cancel) return } The WebView is entering a never ending loop/cycle... any idea or solution yet?
Aug ’23
Reply to Highlight on List item keeps remaining when it is inside TabView of PageTabViewStyle
I'm having the same issue. It works on iOS13 but on iOS14 it shows this strange behavior. I wrote a workaround: Instead of the List, use a VStack or LazyVstack and but the row/cell (in your case  Text("Row \(row)")) inside an HStack with an Image(systemName: "chevron.right") .foregroundColor(.gray). Put horizontal Padding on the HStack and Divider().padding(.horizontal) below the HStack. The NavigationLink then needs the .foregroundColor(.black) modifier. Looks quite like a list but it doesn't run as smooth. And it works on iOS14, when the List is outside of any View. Thats weird.
Sep ’20
Reply to SwiftUI NavigationLink in List on iOS 14
I have the same Issue as @danmedia93  and another one as well (a optional Binding, that worked in iOS13, is always nil the first it is used in iOS14. So I had to come up with a pretty ugly workaround for iOS14, that it is not optional anymore and the State it is referring to has some stupid value, so the app doesn't crash on iOS14 devices) I tried adding the .buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle())-modifier to the Row and the List, and of course .onAppear {  	UITableViewCell.appearance().selectionStyle = .none } to the list. Nothing worked like it should in iOS14. This changes only showed some effect in iOS14 @Claude31 
Sep ’20