Same issue here.
if navigationAction.navigationType == WKNavigationType.other {
did not help but the webview enters a never ending open-url cycle
I'm having the same Issue. Testflight Version also doesn't open the specific link. The Problem only occurs with certain URLs that initiate a re-direct request I guess...
WKNavigationType is always other and if I add
if navigationAction.navigationType == WKNavigationType.other {
The WebView is entering a never ending loop/cycle...
any idea or solution yet?
You need to set Enable Results To false Like mentioned in this answer
I found the answer myself...
does the job
I'm having the same issue. It works on iOS13 but on iOS14 it shows this strange behavior. I wrote a workaround:
Instead of the List, use a VStack or LazyVstack and but the row/cell (in your case Text("Row \(row)")) inside an HStack with an Image(systemName: "chevron.right") .foregroundColor(.gray). Put horizontal Padding on the HStack and Divider().padding(.horizontal) below the HStack. The NavigationLink then needs the .foregroundColor(.black) modifier.
Looks quite like a list but it doesn't run as smooth.
And it works on iOS14, when the List is outside of any View. Thats weird.
I have the same Issue as @danmedia93 and another one as well (a optional Binding, that worked in iOS13, is always nil the first it is used in iOS14. So I had to come up with a pretty ugly workaround for iOS14, that it is not optional anymore and the State it is referring to has some stupid value, so the app doesn't crash on iOS14 devices)
I tried adding the .buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle())-modifier to the Row and the List, and of course
.onAppear {
	UITableViewCell.appearance().selectionStyle = .none
to the list.
Nothing worked like it should in iOS14. This changes only showed some effect in iOS14 @Claude31