I was using 2015 MacBook Pro till September 2022. I am working with NLP project. Our package depending on Tensorflow. And project is using poetry to build. And project's pyproject.toml file was ok. When i moved to new M1 chip MacBook Pro project couldn't be build properly. I'd searched on internet and prepare new one. I've completed build successfully. But when i start training it failed with AttributeError: module 'tensorflow.python.keras.utils.tf_utils' has no attribute 'smart_cond'. And on internet it is said that this is because compatibality problem between tensorflow packages. I installed tensorflow-macos (2.8.0) and tensorflow-metal(0.3.0) tensorflow-addons from "Pip install --upgrade --force --no-dependencies https://github.com/apple/tensorflow_macos/releases/download/v0.1alpha3/tensorflow_addons_macos-0.1a3-cp38-cp38-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl" and tensorflow-text from: " Pip install git+https://github.com/vpol/text.git --no-deps". And now i am not able to work with M1 MacBook pro and still continue to use my windows machine. We need tensorflow libraries work on m1 chip. Tensorflow guys doesn't care about M1 chipset i guess. So we need from you to create addons and text packages for tensorflow. Please help us.