




Reply to Intercept request headers with AppProxy ?
Im having trouble understanding how this transparent proxy would work. Given that i only want to modify the headers of this requests flowing through my proxy and not re-route them i should return false in handleNewFlow ? Im trying to follow the link you provided but i can't seem to grasp how this works. let flow: NEAppProxyTCPFlow let connection: NWConnection // Reads from the flow and writes to the remote connection. func outboundCopier() { flow.readData { (data, error) in if error == nil, let readData = data, !readData.isEmpty { connection.send(content: readData, completion: .contentProcessed( { connectionError in // Handle completion success or error. // Set up another read if there is no error. if connectionError == nil { self.outboundCopier() } })) } else { // Handle error case or the read that contains empty data. } } } Where should i create that NWConnection? Should i initialize one with the endpoint data contained in the flow i receive? Also I asume the headers i want are contained in the data from readData but how can interpret this data and modify it?
Apr ’21
Reply to Intercept request headers with AppProxy ?
There is nothing technically stopping you from doing this Great! Given that i don't want to redirect the flow and only modify the headers i think NETransparentProxyProvider might be the better option for me. however this will be something that you need to research on your own I didn't find any information on how to do this. Do you know if there is a function from the NETransparentProxyProvider that can give me access to the headers? Thanks for the help btw :)
Apr ’21