




Reply to Receipts not updated in testflight environment
thank you for reply PBK1) We could get the receipt we just purchased by checking the receipt right after the payment.2) However, if we request the receipt again after 3 to 5 seconds, we received the previous payment receipt, not the one just paid.(1) and (2) use the same logic( check verifyReceipt ).(1) ====> called after "complete SKPaymentTransaction".(2) ====> (1) the logic is completely finished, and After three seconds When we request a receipt, we receive a receipt that we paid for before.[[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL] is use belowguard let receiptUrl = Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL else { let request = SKReceiptRefreshRequest(receiptProperties: nil) request.delegate = self request.start() }
Apr ’20